Mirror and pattern features

Please follow the format below for requesting a feature.

The problem that this feature will solve:

Mirror should work with features (operations in the history chain such as extrusions, bevels, and nearly everything else). It would work as follows, select mirror, then select the feature you want mirrored, then select the plane it will be mirrored on. done. moving forward, anything that happens to any of the instances or the parent, will happen to all of them (inherit).

The same would apply to the pattern tool. not only the ability to pattern/mirror sketches or bodies, but the features (extrude, fillet, etc).

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

Is this a workflow blocker for you? Is this why you can’t use Shapr3D for work? Is this slowing you down? Yes, significantly. Using fusion, i can finish the same model in a quarter of the time between using these features and offsets. Furthermore, when it comes to editing anything, it can be done in seconds. not to mention, the parameter spreadsheet is a huge time saver to adjust dimensions. With shapr, it takes a lot more time. sometimes requiring a rebuild.

Understand, I say all of this not as a “fan” of fusion, I use and have used nearly everything from solidworks, pro/e, rhino, freecad, fusion, alibre, solidedge, and a handfull of others that are non-parametric. Out of everything that I’ve used, they have done a great job with making fusion effortless. However, with the approach that shapr has, I think it could outdo fusion, which I really hope to see happen. the ability to bounce between desktop and tablet is ultra powerful. I just hope to see the full toolset and power that exist in other modelers with the approach this has. Keep up the amazing work!

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