One of my models suddenly decided it could not be exported to 3MF. The error message I’m getting is 'Failed to create file." which is utterly worthless as a diagnostic message.
I’ll happily upload a copy of the design if you like. Please let me know what I can do to fix this. Also, please replace that meaningless message with something actionable.
Best Regards,
Ok, you can disregard the issue - I followed the advice of several posters and fixed / changed little things until it worked. So that’s good.
But for the love of all that is good in this world, please replace “Failed to create file” with something that highlights the “little things” that are causing the failure or otherwise explain what is going on. The “We have experienced an error.” error is bloody maddening.
Best Regards,
Once in awhile I have this problem, I never tried to fix it could you point forum post that fixed the issue?
My workaround was to save it as STEP file and import that in Bambu Slicer.