Need help adding ridges to this body

Hello I’m brand new to shapr and any kind of modeling. I’ve been asking my girlfriend to give me ideas of things to model for practice. She showed me a picture of this cup and asked if I could make the first cup have the same ridges as the third cup
I’ve got the body down I’m just struggling to add the ridges to the main body of the cup. I tried sweeping but it will only let me sweep from the top to the first intersection I don’t know if there is a better way to do this any advice?

This is what I’ve made so far

This is the picture she sent me

Hi and welcome,
Have you try to use Revolution tool ?
1• Sketch
2• Revolution and Fillets
3• Shell

(see the screenshot)

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Hello! I already used the revolve tool to make the body but I was struggling to add flutting around the whole cup. I want the model to have the same snap as the cup on the left but have the texture of the cup all the way on the right if that makes sense.

[quote=“TheDisgrace, post:5, topic:35266”]
flutting around the whole cup
[/quote] ??
If you speak of the texture, it’s not with Shapr3D. You must use an rendering application as Keyshot or others…

Ah I see. I was messing around with the model last night and it would only add flutting to the top of body and not the rest it was driving me nuts haha thank you for your help! Will definitely have more questions in the future :slight_smile: