New Starter ... Placing an object relative to another

I struggle to grasp how you place objects relative to each other or sides etc when in sketch mode or body mode.
So, if i have drawn a sketch of a rectangle and then want to place a circle a set distance from any of the edges, then how do I do this? Furthermore, If I have extruded a rectangle and then want to achieve the same as before then how do I do this with accuracy?

You can use a line segment to do that. Draw a line segment the distance you want away from the rectangle + the radius of the circle as a point to draw the circle.

So if I draw a 40w x 30L rectangle than lock its dimensions so it does not change.

than a smaller rectangle and circle inside of it.

Than, click on the line from the small rectangle the you don’t want to move, and shift click the perpendicular line you want to determine the distance from.

A measurement Will pop up replace that with the distance you want.

That line will snap to the correct measurement.

Repeat with the vertical line you don’t want to move.

Now you can click on the opposite corner and manipulate that inside without its distance from those outside lines ever changing.

Finish by locking down the final dimensions so they can’t change, without you doing it.

For the circle, you just use the center of the circle not the outside edge.

If I want my 3 inch circle, 4 inches from the rectangle we just locked down.

I simply draw my circle and set it to 3 inches. Click the center of the circle

Than shift click my line that I want to determine the distance from. And set it to the distance plus half the circumference. So in this instance to achieve 4 inches to the edge of the circle. I would set the distance to 5 and a half inches.

For the extrusion stuff I think the best thing I can give you is a tutorial that changes my life on extrusions and how to set them up. This is the link

Hope my explanation for the first part makes sense. And this video is awesome at teaching that better as well as extrusions

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I have just tried it and most makes sense, thank you for your time, I just need a little practice.

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Line segment ?

At the sketch level, If I wanted to keep things 10mm apart I could use line segments. Combined with constraints it works pretty well for some things. In this case my circle is 12mm, so 10mm (offset) + 6mm (circle radius)…