Newbiee here and a question

shapr3d team,

I’m thinking about buying the app, subscribing for the year!
It really seem’s very easy to use and I’m impressed with what I’ve seen.

Is there a way to do 360º Animation of your 3d object and save it as a .mpeg file to email it to your client.

If not will this be a future thing?

Currently you can’t do an animation (save as video) from within the app.

But you can connect your iPad Pro to a Mac (with a ligthning cable) and use Quicktime to capture a video. This is how we create the tutorials too. Connecting the iPad Pro and Apple computer is pretty easy, takes 5 seconds.

You can save the video and share it with clients.

For Microsoft computers I recommend Airserver ( that does the same.

Thank you for the fast reply, Gabor.
That’s very interesting and yes I’m a Mac user.

iOS 11 (currently in beta) comes with a built-in screen recorder. It saves recordings to Photos.

Thanks Zoli, the future is looking bright :grinning: