Hi there! Is there a way to offset face or extrude an element to the edge of another element?
Try Replace face?
I tried that. Did not work…
Can you upload the bigger picture? I cannot see what you need from this one. Not enough perspective.
Replace Face and Extrude to Object tools work with faces, not edges (at least this is my understanding).
Replace Face
Extrude to Object using History edition
Extrude to whatever distance and then edit the history
Start your extrusion, than go to history. Go to your desired extrusion. Expand for more options. Under the extent option switch it to the, to object option. Depending on how you project is, you might have to reselect the extrusion from the history list after changing the extent option. After you refind your extrustion in the history. It will have an error. The extrusion needs you to define the object to extrude to. Click fix and select the face you want it to go to. This well set it to the same length as the chosen face. Also if you edit the face its bound to, the extrusion will change for the new distance, without having to update it manually
Ah! Got it! Thanks a lot!
When you use the extrude command after selecting surface you can eliminate a step by also selecting the surface you want it to match up with and pick union instead of new body.
Oh wow i did not realize that is what that did, becasue its labeled union, I assumed it would create a single object from the extrusion. Thanks for the knowledge
This does not accomplish the same thing as what i described. This creates one solid object. Not an extrustion locked to another objects distance.