Output stl & Lychee

I have a 3rd party created stl file (File X) which I open and make changes too thus creating a new stl file (File Z). This is then opened in Lychee for slicing.

File X is altered to make many versions of File Z. The point being I’m using 99% of File X to make File Z, Z1, Z2 etc. so for each new file I’m really doing the same thing again and again, so that all the new files really should exhibit the same processing and display the same when opened up for slicing.

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been opening the new File Z’s with Lychee (ver 6). I’ve not had any problems until last night.

When you import a file to Lychee, that file is displayed sitting center on the “build plate” and the xyz movement controller is superimposed onto it. One then moves, tilts and slices the file.

For some reason, and I can’t understand the reason, some of the new File Z I’ve created when opened no longer appear on the center build plate, rather they are hugely offset on the x-axis, miles away from the build plate! The xyz position controller IS situated on the build plate. When I move the object file onto the build plate that controller offsets the same distance off; that is I can’t get the controller and the object to “display” or sit together. The effect of this means, Lychee doesn’t think the object is on the build plate because the controller has moved off. Can’t do any processing or slicing of the object.

In this same Lychee operating session I have one File Z1 sitting correctly on the build plate, the other File Z2 off the screen.

My question: is there something attached to my Shapr3D output stl file that is confusing Lychee? I have posted on Lychee to find an answer but I’m tending to think it’s the generating of the stl that is causing the problem.

Sorry if this sounds vague, but I don’t have the background to articulate the problem to well.

I should point out if I load these File Z’s into Anycubic’s Photon Workshop, I get the same problem with the exception that I can move and thus work on the misplaced file.

So this highlights to me that the stl I’ve created somehow is adding some bogus positioning info to it.

And it’s sorted!
I did find a body on the CAD file that was some 400mm offset on the x-axis and not hidden so it was being sent out as part of the stl file thus making it impossible for Lychee to center the main body and it on the build plate.

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