Project Tool, not in body

1 • I project a circle onto a cylinder
2 • Everything is ok, but I would like the projected circle not to be part of the body of the cylinder. I want to remove or not the cylinder and keep only face of
projected circle.
How should I do it?

Hi @jean-philippe2

Does this help?

Thanks Bob,
The goal is really to project a pattern and be able to use it freely.
Let it not be part of the body. For the moment, I can’t detach the projected pattern from the cylinder. (can’t delete, copy/paste, Extrude, Offset Face, etc…)

You can extrude the projected circle (as new body)?

With Bob’s method you can perform the operation on a copy of the original.

Thanks Oregonerd,
In fact the problem is not simple. I want the projected pattern to be independent and not part of the cylinder body.
On my screenshot, we see that the projection was done well but I would like it to be faces excluded from the cylinder. I hope it’s clearer.
Thank you!

Use Offset Face. Note that there will be some distortion of your design because you are projecting onto curved surface.

If you want these as separate bodies delete the cylinder by extruding one end to the other.

It’s think it’s clear what you want. What do you hope to do with the isolated projection?

My way of thinking about the difference of a sketch and projection is that a sketch is it’s own device. A projection relies on a plane or face(s) of a 3D body and so it doesn’t exist independently. It can be projected back to a plane or another body I think

I fail to imagine what you cannot create with that limitation.

In attachment, the same with MoI 3D.
The projected pattern is no longer attached to the body. I can move the elements independently.
I’m trying to achieve the same thing in Shapr3D.

Thanks !

Sketch planes are planar. You cannot do what you want in Shapr3D. Sometimes you have to use multiple tools to get the job done. You may need to do some export/import with S3d and M3d.

yes, you are right but it’s still better to be able to do everything in the same application. I hope to find this kind of function in the next updates.

You can achieve relatively the same effect extruding your pattern e.g. .01mm? I could make it work. Maybe not as easy as Mol3D, but still doable.

Whether you are trying to etch, Inlay, raise a surface pattern or emboss a model, it’s still additive or subtractive and therefore the pattern must have 3 dimensions or it’s not relevant to the outcome. Shapr doesn’t do “skin” like other 3D programs.

Yes Shapr has issues. That one won’t likely be solved soon.

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