Quad and Ngon Retopology Export

The problem that this feature will solve:

This will allow Shapr3D models to be more easily used with features like UV Unwrapping in other programs and visualisation software.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:

Production of models that can be more easily used with programs that require more uniform quad-based or even ngon-based topology, such as Substance Painter. Models that can be used to create cleaner and better UVs, and baked in these programs. Parity with the export options available in Plasticity.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

Prevents using Shapr3D in larger concept development ecosystem and workflow. Difficult to create assets usable in 3D programs and engines.

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Hi and welcome !
Why don’t you export in .OBJ ?

It isn’t a question of the format… it’s the underlying topology. This is about converting it to a quad or ngon form mesh so it can be used for applications that require that kind of topology. Usually, this requires quad modelling. However, Plasticity and Moi3D are both NURBs modellers that now support export to quad and ngon meshes - it would be great to see the same capability in Shapr3D.

Example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jw5Rk8hqPU
And here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_1l58JQm4c

EDIT: I can see from the ‘similar posts’ summaries this feature has been requested a few times before. It really would help to open up Shapr to the 3d asset industry. It certainly seems to be possible, if other programs are doing it. For me, it’s about platform. If I was working on desktop, I’d move to plasticity from Shapr. However, a whole day of 3d modelling on the mouse kills my hand and back, unlike Shapr, which is actually a pretty big thing from a health point of view. And with Shapr, I can work anywhere.

I export from Shapr3d to Blender 3D. Then I use a retopo plugin called Quad Remesher before I start the UV mapping process. I believe Quad Remesher comes built into Cinema 4D, but is available as a plugin for Blender, Maya, or any other major 3d modeling app.

Works great:

I have the same quad remesher plugin as part of Nomad. It’s very tricky to control and get the results you want. The export options in plasticity are much more reliable, I’m assuming because it’s using data from the native app or nurbs environment. You don’t see the loss of edge definition or holes in meshes that keeps occurring with the remesher plugin.

Also worth mentioning that although I talked about Substance Painter, you can now paint your models in Procreate or Uniform on iPad if you can get those cleaner UVs. So there’s a strong benefit in being able to do it all on the iPad rather than having to transfer to desktop.

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