Quickly hide a body


So, I’m wondering if there is an easy way to hide a body without having to go into layers? It’s easy enough when you’re not organizing your bodies/sketches, but I’m a bit of an organization freak. So, removing several bodies to focus on an inner body is quite a pain in the butt.

Is there a way to select a body, or group of bodies, and hide them all at once? Is there a gesture or shortcut I’m missing?

Thanks! - Jared

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Hi Jared, currently bodies can only be hidden on the Items(layers) Window.

A rough workaround will be to zoom into the inner body to focus on it.
We will improve the app a great deal this year and feedback like yours is always welcome. I will pass on your feedback to our product team. Thanks for your understanding :slight_smile:

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Agreed I would love haveto a little icon appear to hide a object

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Hidden or “Ghost it”. Leave it, but more transparent and not selectable so it doesn’t get in the way but still helps with reference when drawing within the body. Zooming in is clunky and sometimes not practical

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For now a “ghost” body can be achieved using the opacity slider in the color tool. I’ve used this to keep an “onion skin” reference of a body.

This works better for me than using the cutaway view in some cases.

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The problem I have had is that trying to select bodies within another body doesn’t work too well. I end up moving the body out of the way. I don’t like to leave folder nav open for the loss of screen real estate.

I can’t really see any other way to select a body within a body without using the folders, unless you use the cutaway view, or zoom in.
I have to do the same thing from time to time, but I’ve gotten used to it.

Maybe an idea. If an item is not 100% transparency then it can be seen but is not selectable? ie it is a ghost

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:+1: Ayup. Then go into folder view to un Ghost it