Jónapot. I think this problem not only applies to the hexagon but all geometric forms, the hexagon is just a good example. If you draw a hexagon and in- or extrude it it is really hard to resize as you can not see or set the original values of the hexagon. The measurement tool does not show the values of the original geometric form. Not sure if this is a feature request but if shapr recognizes a geometric form in a marked part the measurement tool should display the values of that form.
So if I mark the walls of an intruded hexagon the hexagon size should be displayed. This would help a lot. I am sure many of us remove the intrusion and restart instead of doing a resize over and over by trial and error for a fit or do some other workaround like drawing a second hexagon on a plane. The simple shortcut just does not work. Well it works but without measurement.
So this marking of all walls should display the mm2 surfaces of all rectangles and the hexagons and also width and heights or the hexagons and rectangles. Then resizing to a specific size would be easy. Without measurements resizing from that marking its just a wild guess.