Scalloped bowl shape


A project I’m working on needs a shape similar to a scalloped bowl:

The shape I need to make is defined by six 20mm diameter circles spun around a centre to make a 40mm wide scalloped top. This then needs to be extruded in a hemispherical manner, making a scalloped bowl max 40mm in diameter and 20mm in depth.

I cannot think of a way to do this in S3D and I am certain that I need to think of this in another way. Can anyone help me to do so?

Thanks so much!

Replying to myself, just to share how I solved this.

I came up with a solution, but don’t know whether it’s the most elegant. In the end, I cut the circle in half, drew an arc the centre of one of that circle and swept the a semicricle along that arc. I then copied the resultant shape, rotating it around the centre.


Hi @milyrouge

Welcome to the forum.

Edit : I didn’t saw you solved it while I was answering :grinning:

Here is how I would do it:

  1. On the top view, draw a 20mm diameter circle and for instance a 4mm diameter circle.
  2. Then move the 20mm circle by 20mm along the Z axis.
  3. On the front view, draw a ligne along the Z axis and an arc to join the 2 circles, in order to create guides for the loft tool. The center of the arc should be on the Z axis.
  4. Then loft the two circles using the guides you have just created
  5. Use the pattern tool to create 6 copies of the body rotated around the center
  6. Union and shell to get the result.

The video shows it all :slight_smile:
