Selecting hidden edge not possible?

Extrude as an example a tight star shaped hole and select one edge to make a fillet.

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In theory it should be possible. Can you share a screenshot please with the actual model?


Works well in Onshape if I will be excused for … :wink:

If I understand the situation correctly:

  • you want to fillet the vertical edge inside

You can do this, but not from “the outside as the hidden edge”.

You have to:

  • rotate to the inside of the edge
  • zoom in on the edge
  • fillet the edge

Of course tried this almost immense zooming task, only to find it extremely discouraging as I also fail to fillet it due to the drag feature of the pencil not working properly on that zoom level. Try it.
The surfaces will be picked endlessly before edge and it was not reallythe question either.
Is it not possible to penetrate a surface for a hidden edge?

Developed a headache from trying to zoom and fillet. Impossible and way out of useability.
Like I said Onshape bla blabla blaaa. :))

To be honest we never make our product decisions based on what other CADs do or not do, but it would make a lot of sense to work like that. Thanks for your idea, much appreciated.

Evolution has always relied upon the experience of others although far too many humans on this planet are with religious convinctions much less prone to admit having looked at and listened to others and at any cost claim to have been the first.
Monkey see, monkey do! It works.

Your concept with constraint balloons and the disable x is fantastic, but I would love to see you implement “pick/highlight hidden edges”.

Merry X-mas!

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