Set an angle between two lines

I am doing a tutorial that I hope is from an older version of Shapr3D otherwise I have other problems. I am trying to set the angle between 2 lines at 45º. I select the two lines and a box appears at the bottom of the screen that says the angle is in the 135º degree neighborhood which is what it is on the opposite side of the diagonal line. I also have to reseIect both lines and “>” the window at the bottom to see the angle every time I move the diagonal line. I see in posts where I should be able to edit the angle but I don’t see where to do it. Another question is that the tangent constraint indicator shows at both ends of the line even though I only set it at the circle end. Is this normal?

When you select the two lines (or shift-select on a PC or Mac), you should get a field between them where you can enter the angle, like in the screenshot below. You want to make sure that at least one of the lines is not locked or constrained or you won’t be able to adjust the angle.

That wasn’t happening. I ended up drawing another line and then it worked like your picture. The vertical line was one side of a rectangel. Is it possible that’s why all I could get is what my picture shows?

Well, it looks like you have them Constrained on both sides on both lines and coincidence constraints I’m fairly new so take it with a grain of salt. Also removing bodies or sketch from behind it would also help, potentially clear up any other issue that you might have the proper angle.