Shape surface becomes edgy

Does anyone experience the surface of the shape you created becomes edgy after an chamfer operation along the shape’s curvy edge? The edgy surface is very subtle and I didn’t notice then. I exported the shape with high quality STL format and have it 3D print. When I received the 3D printed product, I noticed the edgy surfaces on the product. I went back to my project at Shapr3D and zoom into the shape surface and I finally see the edgy surfaces of the shape. Is this a bug/limitation of the software to create a smooth surface after the chamfer operation under certain conditions? I will try to extract the shape that I have problem with so that the Shapr3D team can take a look.

A screenshot + the .shapr file would help a lot. You can send them in an email, and we’ll look into it.

Also: what type of 3D printer did you use?

What would be the email address to send the files to? I will try to send it later today.

I sent my shape to 3D print via It is done through a SLS printer with white strong & flexible plastic material.

Hi - you can send it to :slight_smile: Thanks

I have sent the .shapr files and screenshots of the problem. Please help to review and let me know if there is a way to work around these issues. Appreciate the great support!

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