Shapes and sketches question

@Lefty @Koonce
All the following will possibly need review when iPadOS Files is fully implemented?

There are limitations but S3D it really great at offering alternatives. If you are not prepared to consider doing things differently then perhaps it will not be worthwhile to read on?

The following describes one method of Organising Sketches:

Multiple Sketches in One Folder

Considering requirements to have Sketches of the Floor Plan and Elevations, the following may be of use:

Plan+4Elevations.shapr (588 KB)

This uses Tools > Project to place the appropriate Sketch on a either one of the 3 Main Planes or any Construction Plane you care to create.
Alterations or additions can be made on either the Sketch or the appropriate Face on the Body, then using Project the changes can be placed appropriately.

The above are possibilities while using S3D at present, IMO it is best to ‘get organised and stay organised’ with the facilities available. Organised Designs will probably be easier to manage as Updates are released. Waiting for that special release and then attempting to sort out all your creations may be a daunting task that never gets completed?

The above may not help, but telling everyone what you need [with as much detail as possible] may yield the results you are seeking?

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