Hi All,
Is there a listing for coach/tutors that can provide professional one on one online coaching?
I am struggling badly trying to learn Shapr3d. The video tutorials and YouTube channels are not working for me. I would be very happy to pay for online one on one coaching. I just want to start with direct modelling. I have a Mac book Pro with a Space Mouse and Cad Mouse, and also an iPad Pro with a Pro pencil.
I am 65 years old so non of the learning comes easy but, I’m super motivated and exited to learn.
Thank you,
Some of the tutorials seem irrelevant because they are old and outdated. You get caught in places where the tool has changed. Frustrating when tutorials do not work exactly like they show you.
They key to Shapr is your sketches.
Best thing you can do it pick something simple to make. Play with shapr and give it a shot and then contact us here when you are having trouble with how to do something. Everyone here is pretty good about helping.
For an example exercises make a simple flower pot. Use the loft tool for the first one to learn how lofting works. Make another using the revolve tool. You could even make an odd shaped one using the sweep tool. 3 methods to do the same thing.
Key is start simple to learn how it works. Play with it. Get stuck, ask us.
Welcome Dave, from a fellow 65 year old 
Oregonerds advice is worth considering. Shapr is very easy to just get in and start creating with. If you get stuck, ask here and you will find plenty of help.
Hi Dave
While the app is easy to use there is bit of a learning curve with shapr. I come from architectural models and my personal hobby in RC Gliders. If you need more of 1 on 1 online help let me know scalemodels0001@gmail.com wouldn’t mind a quick screen share or a call to know your needs.
Im not as old as you nut i tried Fusion 360 for a while and it wouldn’t click. However Shapr3D does it just takes time and try using J Lake 3D on You Tube and take advantage of seek transcripts and rewind. Pause A LOT especially to make sure a tool that was selected etc. And do the model with the videos even if it takes a dozen times. I know this may not help you quickly but it will click 1 other thing that helped me was learning to think different also draw out what you want to model that is very helpful IMHO.
To all of you that have offered advice and help, Thank You!!!
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