Show dimensions on final product

UPDATE: drawings are finally here: 4.0 - 2D drawings + new pricing

Hi I’m new to drawing I’m wondering how to look at dimensions on my finished product please

Thankyou I’m struggling with this

I’d love to find a solution for this as well.

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Search for ‘dimensions’ in the Forum.

One of the main Shapr3D Threads on the subject can be found at:

Dimensioned Drawings - Tell us how you need it

UPDATE: drawings are finally here: 4.0 - 2D drawings + new pricing

Hi, dimensioned drawings inside Shapr are not supported yet. However if you lock your dimensions in sketching mode and output it as dwg/dxf and turn on the ,include annotations, switch your dimensions will be exported together with your drawing and can be viewed in any DWG/DXF viewer. Only sketches can be outputted yet, so a pro tip is to project your models to sketches than dimension them.

UPDATE: drawings are finally here: 4.0 - 2D drawings + new pricing