Sketch annotation size is inappropriately large

Why is the sketch annotation size so large in the latest version of shapr3D? This leads to needing more space to display the annotations, and it’s really very bad that all the annotations overlap and are indistinguishable.

Can you share a snapshot of your problematic part?


The screenshot shows a very simple sketch structure, but the oversized dimension label have led to elements overlapping each other and unclear attribution. If it’s a more complex sketch, it would be more difficult to manipulate the precise parts of the structure, and I would need to constantly switch between zoom-in and zoom-out views.
Whether there is a need to use the same dimension label size in the desktop version as the app on the iPad is an issue, or perhaps consider a smaller size option in the settings.

Thanks for the example. One quick question: in case of overlapping dimensions, have you tried moving them around to make sure they don’t hide each other? Wouldn’t that be a solution for you?

Yes, I can do that. But as mentioned earlier, the larger dimension label size results in taking up more screen space to display them and is visually very cramped.