SketchAp импорт/экспорт

hello, I’m new to your forum and would like to apologize in advance for bad English, I use Google translator from Russia.
The question is how can I import a file from SketchAp so that I can edit it

Hi @TheSpas26,

You can export a SketchUp file in STL file format and import it to Shapr3D.

However, as SketchUp is a Mesh modeling software, while Shapr3D is a direct modeling software, the designs you import to Shapr3D from it will be only editable with Boolean operations, such as “Union”, “Subtract” and “Intersect”.

If you wish to get to know more about the main difference between SketchUp and Shapr3D, please refer to the following article: What’s the difference between Shapr3D and SketchUp?