Sketches disappear and delayed response

Thank you both. It seems that the ‘get over it ‘ crowd have been working on the beta from the start, on desktop computers with large monitors. And have no insight into those who need to be able to work on legacy projects on the iPad.

This program is the reason I bought an iPad Pro in the first place, and if I had wanted to work on a desktop I could have simply continued with vectorworks or F360.

On the iPad, I think the ux has been diminished in favor of pc users.

AP, I’ve been following your conversations on the other threads, thank you for your input.

And X, yes, if you wouldn’t mind posting that iPad video I’d be grateful. I’m already working on xt imported files.

Why do you feel that?

I posted a screenshot of my workspace above

I bought mine just a moth (or so) ago for single reason to model in Shapr3D. And I don’t see any problems using it with HBPM version.

Here it is. As you can see I opened and closed sketch several times and project all bodies on one single sketch without opening sidebar. In the end I open it only to show you there is only one sketch.

Just open sketch before project on it.

I get two sketches that don’t interact, this is sketching onto a plane like you did.,

That’s because you trying to project onto plane outside sketching mode. And I did not the same. I opened sketch I want to project on and made a projection being in sketching mode.

Sorry, still not understanding, is it because it’s not as intuitive as it once was? Will try again later.

Do you know the difference between sketching and direct modelling? Haven’t you noticed there are different menus and tools in these modes?

You use projection tool in direct modelling mode and I do that in sketching mode. This is the main difference. When I open sketch to edit system understand I want to project on that exact sketch. When you trying to project on a plane (exactly what you do) it creates new sketch each time.

Yes, I’ve seen that. Indeed if you open everything, that will take up space on smaller screens. But most often you don’t really need to open the history panel at all. Does your workflow require the history panel to be open all the time?

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Ok thank you, got that now. Didn’t have to do that before. Used to take less clicks.

If I’m not mistaken in upcoming releases they will make this feature as it was before.

I had seen a lot of stuff will be going back in the update, moving, copies, rotations, mirroring, size of constraints in sketching, but certain things like the way sketches interact with the plane won’t be changing b/c they’re necessary for the HBPM to function as it’s set up and to keep the ability to have multiple sketches on the same plane that can overlap but still function.

You’re right. There is a thing they plan to improve about projection but not the one we discuss here.

I don’t know what’s happening with mirror. I draw my center lines for mirroring using the line tool, then it won’t work.

I THINK what’s happening is that it created a NEW SKETCH for those 2 lines, even though I was currently on the sketch where I wanted to mirror. So I keep having to over and over go back to the menu and click on the sketch to be able to work on it.

The weird thing is, I was on that sketch, but going and clicking on it fixes the mirroring problem. Something is really not right. I think the line looks like a spine or something else because it’s a different sketch and that definitely should not be happening.

Then this morning I realized I have another problem. I try to rotate a part of the sketch using move rotate and it won’t work. Something to do with constraints. I removed all the constraints and it still won’t work. I turned auto constraints off and it won’t. I deleted the body I had made from that sketch and it won’t work.

I never used to have this problem. It’s just rotating a simple shape on a sketch. Why won’t it work?