Sketches will not merge if on the same layer

Since downloading the new version with parametric modeling I can no longer get sketches to merge when putting them on the same layer. See the attached screen shot. In the old version if I wanted the three sketches to merge into one all I had to do was put them all on the same layer. In the screen shot below there would only be one sketch showing on the left pane in the old version. I never had this issue with the old version.

That’s right. This behaviour is by design in new version.

To get one sketch instead of three just open previous sketch before drawing.

Or if you trying to project bodies on sketch then again open it before projecting.

Thanks for the help but I don’t understand what you mean. Could anyone else elaborate on this. I created a new project with only 2 lines and this problem is driving me crazy.

I gave you a couple of variants because you didn’t mention what exactly you doing and what result you’re expecting. Would much easier for all if you just show us on a video what you’re doing and what result you want to achieve.

This screenshot not carrying any useful information.

New version not merging sketches together when they on the same layer. You can’t do anything about that. But you can find another way how to achieve the same result. I make a couple of examples above.

If you think my help useless for you then ok. You can wait for someone else answer.

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I never said your help was useless. I appreciate any advice given. I just asked if someone else could maybe give another example or word it differently for better comprehension on my end.

I don’t have the ability to make a video at the present time but here are a few screenshots better showing my issue.

I want to extrude the shape that is a combination of sketches 01 and 03. When I select sketch 01 only the right half is selected. When I select sketch 03 only the left half is selected. When I select both sketches from the item pane it only gives me the option to move the combined sketches.

Ok. So I have question: why did you draw two sketches instead of one?
I will recreate you situation and make a video with variant how you can deal with it.

I have no idea how I created two separate sketches. I did not realize I had done so until it was “too late”. I am not sure what I did to start making a 2nd sketch.

Can you send me this project to Just want to understand how exactly you’ve done that.

But you alway should watch which sketch you’re in right now. If you exit from sketch and want to continue edit it then select it from item menu instead of pressing “create sketch button”.

Here is example how to combine two sketches if it is to late as you said :slight_smile:

But usually you just have to be aware which sketch you’re editing.


It seems like the new version of your parametric modeling software might have changed how layer merging works. Check for an option or setting that allows merging of sketches, or contact customers support for help with this feature. They should be able to guide you on how to merge sketches in the updated software. Doglikesbest

This is how you make two separate sketches instead of one, I believe.

In the end I showing how you should act to not to get in that situation.

AWESOME! Thanks so much for the help! Sorry for the delay in my reply but this is my first time being online since yesterday.

The attached screenshot just popped up on my Facebook feed a few minutes ago.

Yeah, I apparently deselected the sketch I was working on which created a 2nd sketch when I started sketching again.

The problem is it’s still combine sketches in some cases then you hit “Sketch (+)” button.
So I recommend always explicitly select needed sketch before continue working on it. That will save you from this kind of troubles.

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