Daniel assisted and commented that a step file from Maxon which opened in Onshape differently was created the way that the external rotor of the electric motor was unlike the core winding unit made up of surfaces.
The download opens in Shapr as a single group and when I create a circle and extrude through the rotor(surfaces) with a chamfer subsequently the chamfer appears as a wire frame and after a minute or so displays a shaded surface. Now, does Shapr convert in any way the rotors confines into a solid or does it just shade the surface, the rotor still remaining as a surface(which is what I must gather it does).
How do I educate my mind in this matter to understand?
So basically you are saying that in Shapr the model is imported as a solid, and in Onshape it is falling apart to surfaces? Can you post an image?
It was a previous topic with response from Daniel over email.
Now, it opens in Onshape as such. I just tested it in Shapr by extruding an additional hole in the rotors top face. Laying down a chamfer turned it into a wire frame as mentioned but I will try to see if I can repeat the same.
It opened and performed just fine now with a perfect response. Must have had something to do with the file itself.
Those step files I download from Maxon seem different from before, when I used to see parts in order such as the whole wiring harness bundled into one specific parts resolve. Now those wires are within the parts assembly, however I understand them as surfaces when trying to delete them.
What are the problems with step files in Shapr and how stable and properly read and organized are they. Looking at these downloaded step files from Maxon in Shapr now show five or six different sketches as well just from opening the file.
Please disregard and just if you can comment on the overall problems and ways of handling and viewing external step files
Well, there is no magic. Whenever you can, prefer Parasolid files (x_t or x_b files), as it is the native Parasolid file format. Your second best option is STEP, but as with any data translation, you can have issues during the conversion, despite we are using the world’s best data exchange library (Techsoft3D’s HOOPS exchange). Your 3rd best option is IGES, but I would never use it, unless I really don’t have any other options.
If you have any files that have specific issues, please send it to us, and we will investigate the problem.