Spacemouse Parametric Beta

By using the Beta version Parametric, Spacemouse functions buttons are not working? Anybody get the same issues? Checked already system settings. MacOS

I have yet to use buttons in Shapr, I tried some variants now, I got none working in beta.

Released version seems to work somewhat (no deeper tests)

M2 12.7
3DxWare 10
3DxMacCore version (307)
3DxWare version 10.7.4 (3493)


The interface/interaction to Spacemouse is better in Shapr3D than in any other software I use. Great work guys!


If I remember correctly, I believe you need to download the beta configuration file, and set the button settings by application (Shapr3D Beta) in the driver settings.

I use a SpaceMouse Pro and have all my buttons set.


I wish :pray: I could use this fantastic input device on my iPad!

Uppdated to latest driver (could not find any prefs to import).

Now the gizmo works fine in beta, and I also belive the buttons is more responsive in the release. Time to start using them…