Spacemouse support for windows?

Hi! We’re working on a fix for this, but until it’s available I migh have a workaround for this. If my theory is correct you should have two config files for Shapr3D in "c:\Users<YOUR_USER>\AppData\Roaming\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\Cfg": Shapr3D-KMJ.xml and Shapr3D.xml. The Shapr3D-KMJ.xml is generated by the SpaceMouse driver. This “new” (Shapr3D-KMJ.xml) configuration is shown on the UI while driver still sends data based on the “original” (Shapr3D.xml) config, that’s why the changes on the settings UI have no affect.
If you delete Shapr3D-KMJ.xml and close the apps (Shapr3D and the settings window) that should fix the issue.
To prevent this from happening (until we work out a fix) make sure that Shapr3D is actually getting the navigation events befor changing any settings.
Please let us know if this helped or not.