Speed Problems

Ever since the last update (which I think was when you guys introduced the history stuff), everything is much slower. Painfully slower.

I have:

|Processor|12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-12900H 2.50 GHz|
|Installed RAM|64.0 GB (63.7 GB usable)|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|

I never had problems before, but the last update really is killing this program.
Also, I used to be able to select something to copy, then copy it multiple times…now I have to copy once, deselect the item, reselect the item, then copy again…then wait for render.

What am I doing wrong (never had the problem before)…

I have not installed anything new to my pc.

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We are aware of performance issues and working on fixing them when

  1. you are working with large assemblies (thousands of parts)
  2. when you are not building a parametric model, and stack up thousands of modeling operations in the design history.

Both issues will be addressed with the next release. Do you work with very large assemblies, or did you stack up hundreds or thousands of modeling operations in your design?

I have thousands.

When will the fixes be released?

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This week.


So, it appears that the update was only on the PC…but I did get back a little functionality as in I can once again copy an item more than once with out unselecting and reselecting. It is still painfully slow however…even when only selecting once item and working with that.

However, now it has blocked me from using my ipad on the same project due to a conflict. I only assume that it’s because the ipad is not updated yet.

Any timeline on the ipad update?

No, 5.620 is available on iPad.