100% shapr for modeling. then Arnold for rendering.
thats it!. enjoy
Looks amazing😍
The render is absolutely beautiful.
Hey man, great stuff. Between this and your kettle project, consider me a fan.
I’ve only ever used Keyshot for rendering, but I’d like to try Arnold to see what the differences are… your renders have so much more atmosphere (vapour, lens flares, droplets) - I’m a Mac user hence the Shapr3D love, but what’s the deal with Arnold? Does it cost much? Can I use it with a Mac desktop?
Thanks for your contributions to this community and I look forward to you next post.
very nice, is Arnold a paid software?
Awesome stuff:)
I want to get into rendering myself. Too bad there is nothing for ipad yet. But Apple silicon on mac might change that;)
Awsome stuff
I dream of the day Shapr3d would have this level of rendering built in
I would love to learn to do some rendering, but I mostly use my Ipad Pro.
But who knows. Maby keyshot will come to ipad pro when they convert their program to support apple silicon macs
Hey, been a while, just saw the replies.
so to respond to the questions about Arnold it’s fairly Easy has tons of presets built in.
I use Arnold which comes free with Maya ( which is also free for students/non-commercial work).
I tired keyshot and it was too limiting for me, I find all keyshot renders look very “keyshot”. Arnold was just easier for me, learnt it from scratch in maybe 1 hour. It’s so easy.
The export out of shapr3d generally is pretty good for product rendering, it places the polys only where needed I found.
In maya I use a select filter of 45-80degrees and it can grab the polys easily when I do an unwrap.
For Lens flares/fog/depth of field I render out a zpass and in photoshop you use it to drive the lens blur and flare. This way also its much faster to get the final rendered product. Rendering those things n
Maya would take forever.
I’m working on a large environment (fully built in shapr) that I’m passing into unreal engine 4. I’ll share some images soon
I decided to try photorealistic animation with shapr work and rendering frame by frame would take forever so trying real-time work. We’ll see how it turns out