Turning off shading

Is it possible to turn off shading while in modeling mode? I’d like to export a screenshot of my model displaying only the edges.

would “Show Hidden Edges” help?
Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 18.05.02


The only way I know is to go to visualization, make all the bodies transparent, and go back in modeling mode.

Thanks. Your suggestion came pretty close but I need black lines and white surfaces with no shading. Maybe it’ll be a future feature with the added ability to change line weight. Yeah yeah I know. That’s close to Sketchup.

Thanks, my model looked cool but I need it to look like a plain old drawing with no shading on any surfaces.

Why don’t you create a drawing then?

You mean actually draw on paper? That would defeat the purpose of investing in such a great app.

Lol, no, create a drawing in the app:


Oh! Yeah I checked that out but it has limited angles right?


If you want a non-standard view, you might be out of luck. I am unaware of any way to save a specific view for use in a drawing. Your only option may be the one suggested earlier. I haven’t tried it, but it sounds like it would work. I think making the bodies transparent will give you a wireframe representation. For the typical “no hidden lines” view, I think the bodies should probably be white.

Being able to save specific views for use in both the model and drawings is a useful feature. Hopefully, this will be added soon.

I used Infinite Painter to trace out a simple thing I made in Shapr3d. This is the look I’m going for.

This would be a great additional function in Screenshot mode.

The closest I’ve managed to get is by changing the materials to white but it isn’t perfect.

It’s fiddly, but a way to save viewpoints is to use an object that you can zoom to. For example, you can position a construction plane in a way that when you double click it, the camera view will be on the object you want to look at. Then you can just hide the plane.

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