I too share the sentiment as expressed by @Yepher.
I find the new location of the Undo/Redo buttons ‘in the way’ so to speak. Whether using the Pencil or your finger to Undo, you are covering part of the visible workspace. I use the Pencil for all my Undo/Redos. Many time I need to test a series of body movements whether cams, links or levers and a series of Undo’s and Redo’s works well for this. So the workaround is to use the keyboard Cmd-Z and Cmd-Shift-Z with my left hand, my Pencil holding hand. Bottom line, kudos for the continuous upgrades and feature improvements, but I’m in favor of having the Undo/Redo moved back to the bottom whether at the center or near a corner.
Are you guys all left handed who don’t like this change?
“Trust us, we broke your flow today for unspecified benefits that will be wonderful someday” is… not how I’d go about communicating this.
But fair enough. I’ll cancel my subscription, going five years, and if the benefits someday materialize, I’ll consider paying again. Good luck, and may I suggest more inclusive user testing in the future.
Are you guys all left handed who don’t like this change?
I am.
The benefits are not in the “future”, but we made this change to be able to ship history based modeling. I understand that this change is frustrating for you, and I’m spending my time here with the community to collect feedback. We very thoroughly user tested this update, but indeed haven’t tested it with left handed people using the right handed UI (there is a left handed mode, in case if you are not aware of this). To me it seems that this might be the problem?
Good question. The way I hold my iPad I can hit a lot of the buttons with my left thumb while I draw with my right hand. The distance and target size of the undo is difficult with the stylus instead of just hitting with my thumb… I am not sure if others use their non-drawing hand to activate target drawing actions or not.
I should also say it is not the end of the World or show stopper for me. But it is for sure more difficult now.
I would love to visually demonstrate the problem, but “new users can’t upload attachments.”
And yes, this is still a problem with left hand mode, which I am using.
I have upgraded your trust level, now you should be able to upload a video.
@Yepher are you left handed too?
Edit: nope. But you are using it two handed, and you use the entire menu with your thumbs. Right? 12’ iPad or smaller?
I am right-handed. But the primary actions switch sides, so I assume handedness is not the issue.
I needed my right hand to take the picture, but this is how I tend to hold my iPad when drawing rather in mid-air or with the keyboard open while sitting on my desk.
I would not be able to hit undo with my left hand (in midair drawing) so I must strike the buttons this the stylus or my right hand finger.
Thank you Istvan. As you can see in the video, the majority of UI selections happen along the edge of the screen, whether left or right handed. This made undo/redo a breeze. A simple tilt of the wrist, then selection of the next tool. Now it’s necessary to move the entire arm to reach the undo/redo controls.
As Yepher points out, it was also possible to use your off-hand to toggle these controls, and there have been periods where I deliberately set right-handed mode to take advantage of this.
Fitts’s Law predicts “the time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the ratio between the distance to the target and the width of the target.”
The distance is now greater, and the width is narrower. I would estimate these tap targets are less than half the previous size of the undo/redo controls.
This is objectively a downgrade in usability, again, for an essential control which is used constantly.
Thanks these are very helpful. We indeed did not consider the “left handed user using the right handed UI” and “keyboard used with touch” scenarios. We’ll look into these use cases as well.
Yes, I am.
The really pain the areaselction for me . Should cross my hands…but is my problem. As many thing in the life as lefty.
I tried the left-handed screen many times, but I always came back to what you saw in the linked video
That’s a good point, we should probably switch sides of area select (include vs crossing) alongside the menu side setting!
Hi there,
Adding a comment or two. For me it not a left hand vs right hand issue but rather a workflow issue with regard to Undo and Redo. As @JST eluded to, us lefty’s live in a right handed world and we pretty much adapt accordingly. I like the swapped screen with tools on the right and the Items list on the right. This way my left hand with Pencil never covers the Items list so I can easily see and make selections when needed (and often) and yes I have to cross over to select tools but I’m used to that.
As a lefty user here, I’m probably quite the odd duck as far as workflow. I primarily use the iPad Pro and use my left hand for EVERYTHING including zoom and pan navigation as well as tool selections. The only time I put the Pencil down is when I rename a body or do an export where I need to use the keyboard. Anyway, as I have often said, this app is the best there is on iOS and keep up the great work!
I am a right-handed user and came here to express my annoyance with the new location. It’s not just a difficult action, but rather annoying with the break up of the work flow. I feel that Shapr3d has a very good grasp on how to keep things flowing and I am so appreciative of their ingenuity (besides this new location of being on the top bar).
Just wanted to come in as a “plus one” to iterate the concerns for future progress of the app.
Thank you Istvan for the repeated updates and continued support to your subscribers.
Thank you, we are already looking into this.
Question to everyone here:
If we put it back to the side menu, does it matter for you if it’s at the top or at the bottom?
One vote for the bottom!
(Thank you for listening/considering)
Can you please also share why? Because you got used to it, or is it because it’s better to. have it there for some reason?
Besides, in best case, freeing the wasted space in the top, I find it one of the most frequently used commands.
Traveling to the top is much longer than than anywhere on the bottom part (for me; left or right).