Unsupported formats. Stuck


So its very dishearting to purchase a Shapr3D license just for it to be very limited regarding file-formats. I get that you are doing CAD file formats and only support import of:

  • X_T or X_B
  • STEP
  • IGES
  • STL (for reference only)

But I downloaded FreeCAD in order to try and convert my STL file which I got from a commissioner, that I had to create a few hole-patterns in (A jar lid) and nothing works.

IGES import - Doesn’t work. Import Error.
I export STEP from FreeCAD and it does not work. (Just nothing happens, no file and Im not even sure what STEP is besides under file-format)

3MF, OBJ, STL is not supported which obv is frustrating when many uses those.

One of the reasons why I commissioned this 3D model, is because there is no thread-tool in Shapr3D.


I have an OBJ/STL file with thread(s) which I need to edit, cannot get it to work. Tried workarounds with FreeCAD and convert to other file formats, didn’t work.

What would you suggest?

Kind Regards

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The best easy way, although not always feasible, to get around threads tool is to use McMaster-Carr website to download free models of a screw or bolt to boolean subtract from a model.

Custom threads are relatively easily created with the revolve tool.


I understand, it’s just a problem for me personally because I have such severe concentration issue which is why I commissioned someone to make the base of my model.

Example I could download a file with a thread fitting a screw but it’s too complicated in the long run because it isn’t for a screw, it’s for a small jar and it also has to fit the thread on the jar so it can close.

So I’m hoping there is another way to get my obj converted or exported through another program.

I chose Shapr3D because it’s very simple/easier to navigate than other programs (for me)

Is the model one you could commission natively in shapr?

I suppose… its basically “just” a jar with a lid in 2 parts that should be able to be screwed together/closed

Some of us here would do it just for the challenge. Unless it’s your homework and the class is 3d modeling. :laughing:


I think, that issue with .obj and .stl is, that thise formats are meshes and Shapr3d solid modeling tool.

It can open mesh but it cannot edit that nor combine with surface created in CAD.

So even if you export in different format, you loose those surface geometry data and it is just mesh.

Basically you can just move/rotate, scale and add material to mesh body in Shapr3d.

You can edit and export meshes in Blender, which is amazing tool, but also very hard to learn (thanks to community there are tons of tutorials on any topic)

Hope that I correctly understand your question and it helped

Actually there is an addon to Blender that makes it more like a cad tool https://www.cadsketcher.com/

This one is great and there are more of them, but still Blender isn’t easy as OP wants to be.
And issue with solid vs. mesh geometry is still present.