Appreciating that it is rather early to be enquiring, I am wondering if iPadOS will impact decisions on iPad Model choices.
Clearly it is expected that the S3D Team maintain their commitment to Apple regarding disclosures, and ask if they will advise regarding the subject at the earliest possible time?
My intention is to purchase an 2018 iPad Pro 12.9" with at least 256GB Storage. Tending to keep a lot of PDFs and intending to keep a shed load of S3D Files while having no idea what space iPadOS will require.
I hope this Post has been placed in the most appropriate location? Suggestions to the right, whilst compiling it, are rather dated.
Thanks for your time, best regards,
Hi Gelphyn,
iPadOS will have roughly the same size as previous OSes so i don’t think you should be concerned about that. The 2018 iPad Pro 12.9" with 256gb is an excellent choice, i would buy the same if i were you
64gb might get full pretty quickly if you use a lot of files/watch some movies etc.
That said, all Pencil compatible iPads run Shapr very smoothly so you can’t really go wrong. Of course, if there are no monetary constraints, it’s always best to go with the latest and greatest.
Best regards,
Hi Tamas
Thank you for confirmation regarding iPadOS size.
I had returned home after picking up my iPad Pro (2018) 12.9" + Pencil 2nd Generation before receiving your message, and it is great to know that many S3D involved people are offering this advice.
At the Apple Store they said that OSes usually increase slightly with every Version Upgrade so it seems, because a 128GB version is not available, that 256GB is the sweet spot. Of course those with ‘cash to splash’ have extra Storage useful for BackUps or whatever.
Thanks for your time, best wishes,