Upcoming webinar series - need your help with topic

Hey Everyone,

We have been toying with the idea of an ongoing webinar series in the last few months and we are happy to announce that we will be streaming our first one later July.

But we need your help: What topics should we cover in our first few webinars?

  • Should we show you how to design a specific object?

  • Are you interested in workflow related questions?

  • Do you want to understand the various ways direct modeling can help you?

Let us know in the comments below

Webinars are a great way to give you a deeper understanding of a topic, or a new feature. It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions directly from our educator and from us.

Our educator will be Claas Kuhnen, who is - among many things - is an interior/industrial design lecturer at Wayne University, Detroit. He has been a longtime user of Shapr3D, as well as the author of many of our tutorials.


I am a big fan of Webinars. OnShape is great at this approach and I have attended many of them. I find them very useful especially with new additions to the app. I would think for Shapr3D designing an object that would go through the main elements and expanding on that would be a great place to start. BTW Class Kuhnen has done a great job and I can only anticipate an even better forum with a Webinar where questions and a more in-depth explanation of features could happen in real time. Looking forward to the upcoming Webinars.

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Let’s start off with modelling, everyone has multiple ways to achieve a particular outcome, would be nice to see all the unique approachs to design and the different uses of shapr3d tools.

Perhaps you could even pose a challenge at the end for the community to win a small prize. Have your customers demonstrate an alternate workflow to achieve the same results in your video. An incentive for another way to share tips and knowledge.