USDZ Export Stuck on Mac & IPad Pro

Hi! Been pretty much stuck on this operation the whole afternoon. Does the app have a bug right now on the export function to USDZ? Tried exporting to other formats, and they all work. It’s really just with USDZ.

I replicated the even with multiple file sizes with the same outcome. Left my mac for 3 hours and was stuck at the final bit of progress xx/xx. The same went for the iPad Pro. Tried both export and AR view in visualization. Stuck too at the last bit for all file sizes.

Would appreciate a workaround, as we currently kicked off a crowdfunding campaign for an action figure and am keen on rolling out a AR scale comparison with other toys.

Thank you!


Please open a support ticket and attach the problematic workspaces in .shapr format, we will investigate what the problem might be.