Various sketch mode bugs

hi @Peter_Gy!

our current logic is that whenever you move a sketch out of the original plane (via movement, rotation or even mirror) we create a new sketch

  • so it’s not possible to move a sketch from an existing plane to another existing plane anymore? this is how stable works right now, moving, translating, rotating, none of these create a new plane if the target is an already existing plane. is this connected to the parametric modeling?
  • in no 4. while the sketch is temporarily on a new plane the target is the same plane. in stable there is a temporary plane while i’m executing this operation but when the sketch reaches the existing plane the temporary one disappears as it would be empty.
  • in no 5. the sketch stays on the plane, it doesn’t leave it even temporarily. the result is still a new sketch. you mentioned that a dedicated sketch mirror tool is in the pipeline will we need to use that to not create a new plane?
  • will you add the option to merge sketch planes that are already on the same plane in the future? i move sketches to another plane primarily to do more more with them, connect or combine with existing sketches for example. even if parametric modeling is forcing us to create new planes all the time, the ability to merge them would solve these challenges.

In case of (3), could you verify something? My suspicion is that the sketch that you’re trying to project from is after in the target and that’s why it is disappearing

you mean later in the history? that is true but in this case i have some questions too:

  • does that mean i need to plan very carefully in which order i create my planes in the beginning? in this example i can easily change the order of the history entries but maybe in a more complex project it won’t be that simple.
  • and more importantly what if i’d like to project a sketch from plane A to plane B and another one from plane B from plane A at the same time? since projecting doesn’t fall into the category of operations that create a new plane automatically (like the ones you mentioned) this will be impossible in the future. i can come up with a workaround like creating a plane A’ and plane B’ (now that we can have multiple virtual planes on the same plane) and project sketch A and sketch B onto both plane A’ and plane B’ but is it really needed?

i have to admit i’m not used to thinking in the parametric way so these question might sound dumb.