Westminster Abbey


All of your designs are great! Nice details!!


That’s excellent work. I’d love to see it with materials added.

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This is absolutely incredible.
Very impressive!

really ambitious in scale and detail.

So impressed that you took on the challenge. It can be really daunting looking at a detailed real life building and try to create… great commitment to the detail.

I’m curious, did you use iOS or desktop?

Texturing as the chap mentioned above me would be a really interesting progression. Though I wouldn’t blame you for a second if you didn’t go that route!

It reminds me of when I learned SketchUp a few years ago. I had a really ghetto laptop and pushed it hard. I made (but never finished) a monastery building.

Many months later, if not a year… I decided I’d try and texture it but the techniques I’d used to create geometry made it near impossible.

Instead, I uploaded it to Sketchfab website. Set up a few lights, and make do with a mono look.

I personally think your model would look fantastic going a similar route. With all the peaks and angles, shadows could look really dramatic.

Anyway, this is one of those times when you end up talking too much about your own wish for someone’s work! :laughing: Regardless, it stands fantastic!

Fwiw though, I did enjoy Sketchfab , and it was the only decent free, online real-time renderer avail to me at the time.

I definitely recommend spending time with it if you can :+1:t2:


Lovely work.