Why body also deleted when I only delete Sktech

I only seletected the sketch and deleted. But for some reason everytime I delete Sktech the body is also deleted. I also tried trim but it didn’t worked.

I would recommend you to read the forum. That question was answered dozens of times recently.
But short answer is: sketch and body now connected. Deleting sketch you delete the body extruded from sketch.


Thank you for answering. I didn’t know there was a update like that. Is there anyway that I can make sketch and body not connected? like before the update. Unfortunately I feel discomfort for this new update.

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You can export project to X_T and reimport back for now. In upcoming release Shapr3D team will implement on click solution for that (history collapse).

But my recommendation would be to sort all your sketches in appropriate folders and just hide what you don’t want to see.

You’re not aolne. Lots of people complaining recently. But this new approach have more benefits then drawbacks :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the benenficial informations! I didn’t know that because I didn’t used Shapr for a while. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who feels discomfort about this. I hope there will be a update that can adjust this.

The next update is supposed to have an option to collapse history, giving you the option to disconnect sketches. If you add sketches and bodies after that, you’ll have to repeat the collapse operation if you also want those disconnected.

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