Delete sketch, deletes body?

One year in working with Shapr3D, and I still love it.
There is one thing that annoys me though that showed up recently when I work with new and old designs. Not really sure if my topic is correct, but I will try and explain as best as I can.
I created a simple sketch to see if it was my old designs that somehow had been “obsolete”.
After I did the basic sketch, I extruded the different sketches and “union” them to create one body. I then went to the bottom of the bode to create a shell. The outlines of the sketch was still there preventing me to select the whole bottom surface. Seen this before and the solution has always been just to delete these “outlines”. Did that this time to, but the suddenly the whole body disappeared?
I had to move the body to be able to clear the bottom to “shell” the body.
I then extrude small parts on the top, extruded, and the same thing happens again. After extrusion, the surface is still left behind, trying to delete the surface, the extruded part goes back to its original.
Am I doing anything wrong? It was not like this before, I have always been able to delete any leftover surface without it affecting the extruded design. These are very much in the way while designing. I know I can just hide them, but in larger designs, there are A LOT of sketches in the list that are just of no use (again, this was not an issue before).
I hope the pictures can help explain my messy explanation of my problem🙂

I have the same issue, I wish there was a toggle in setup that you can turn History feature off. Or a tutorial would help or an on-line demo of the history feature and how to use it properly.

Just stop deleting sketches. I honestly don’t understand how this has become such a big deal. Make a folder and name it “Useless Sketches” or whatever you fancy and move your sketches to it when you’re done with them. Turn visibility off and it’s like they don’t even exist.

It depends on what you’re doing and it causes a lot of extra work.

For instance, I have a model where I’m working on a component that is inside a larger component. I isolate the smaller component and start adding to it and create a couple of new components. So, eventually I end up needing to do something but a sketch is in the way. But, because I’m in isolation mode, I can’t hide it and I can’t delete it either without deleting the new models. So now I have to go out of isolation mode while remembering which sketch I want to delete and which new components I want to isolate again, all to hide a sketch I will never, ever use again. If ‘hide’ worked in isolation mode that would help, but I’m guessing that is a programming impossibility or it would have been down by now.

It’s just so clunky.


Many people have asked for hide to work in isolate mode. I can’t remember if I’ve seen a reply from Shapr3D on this, but yes…that would be useful.


I just can’t see the logic in having to save sketches locked in to the body in this way. I should be able to delete a sketch that will never be used again and still keep the design. Not really happy to have a lot of stuff saved that’s no longer of any use.
It was much better before when you just could delete the sketch when finished with it. No mess in the in the items list.

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If you’re not interested in using sketches in a parametric-compliant way, simply collapse the history and select the “unlink sketches” option when you do.

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