Workflow Problems... with Examples

What exactly is not working? You can’t project several objects on existing sketch?

Here is example

Well done, you found another workaround. However, the purpose of this thread is to highlight disruptions to current (or previous it would now be) workflow. I’d rather not clog this up with alternative ways of doing things.

No worries, if it isn’t happening with the Fortune 500 companies and all of the beta testers, then I must have started doing something different last week. I’ve got a workaround, and that will get me by.

Hey Shaun, thanks a lot, like really a lot for taking the time to list these issues. You saved me a bunch not having to do it myself.
And a shout out to Istvan, man, thanks for your hard work but Shaun is right, in other words, I agree 100% with him on all items he listed. Just wanted to let you guys know.


You’re not the only one, my brand new iPad pro is now running at the same speed as my old 2010 iPad pro used to before upgrading because of this new update. Files that would take less than 2 min before now take 5min to load. Interval waiting periods on pretty much every action from selecting faces or edges, moving objects, etc. Isolate used to be my go to for speeding up the process (less graphics usage) but now it’s gotten way slower to be in Isolation mode to make it almost useless for anything besides exporting a single body.

EDIT: Apologies to @Shaun not meaning to hi-jack this important thread on these issues.

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Can you share one of this “slow” projects with me? Curious to test it on my iPad. Until now I have no problem using it with HBPM version.

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I would, except it’s a file that I have over 400hrs into as a project i’m still prototyping, only thing i’ve shared with anyone so far is screenshots.

I considered listing Performance Issues but I wasn’t able to replicate it. Mainly because I didn’t have a legitimate way of testing it.

I tried opening up some of my larger files that can be a bit slow but I didn’t see a difference on my Windows machine. I didn’t try on the iPad to be honest but even if I did, my old files aren’t full of sketches.

I’d also be interested if someone can send a file over for testing.

Having said that, Istvan has announced that there’s a problem with isolation. So it looks more like a bug than a problem that’s caused by parametric modelling existing.

If anyone want’s to message me and provide me their email i’ll add you to the Access List so you can download and see if you have the same performance issues I’ve had. This project will be open source anyways in the end, please just don’t upload it and release it hahaha As mentioned before I’ve been working on this for months so a lot of the work was done pre-update and I wasn’t having issues before.


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I’ve sent you an access request.

I’m trying to reproduce this but I can’t. This is an assembly with 1000+ parts, it has a ton of sketches, patterns, etc., turning off isolation for a sketch takes ~5 seconds for the most complex sketch, for bodies it’s instant. Are there any particular features that you are using that could be related to this issue?

Looking into your workspace now.

OK, so this is a pretty large workspace indeed, 13,000 parts - getting close the range of our automotive customers’ use cases :upside_down_face:

When do you experience the performance issues? After some very quick testing, it works quite smoothly for me on my 3 years old Mac Pro, and compared to the previous versions, it consumes ~10% less memory.

  1. Can you give me a step by step description of reproducing the performance issue?
  2. Can you share your computer’s configuration?

Confirmed access.

I’ve been directly messaging @Xdrakosha (will be adding you to our chat so you can see his screen recordings.) about this with the model I linked as well. He showed me a comparison between iPad and Mac showing similar delays on going in and out of isolation, selecting faces, etc. None of them instant. I also explained that these delays were drastically reduced pre- parametric, but we both agree that’s moot now since we can’t revert to show screen recordings of the actions in comparison.

Also explained the disruption to workflow like this. Since Shapr doesn’t have relative proximity extrusion (ie. offset from face). Now the process is

Select a face
Select another face
Calculate distance-tolerance
Select face
Move face x distance

If each of these have say a 3 second delay for the system to process, that’s 21 seconds. Not a lot by itself but multiply that over hundreds of clicks and movements in a day and quickly adds up.

Also expressed that selecting and moving a face for example in isolation, the delay is now enough that it cannot keep up with the movements of the apple pencil so “dragging” is not accurate.

iPad OS latest version, on less than 6mo old 12.9" iPad pro M2 1TB with the upgraded ram. I just bought it to run shapr faster and smoother haha

Hahaha yes, 3d printer but it’s still in development so unless a prototype works i don’t delete old parts without knowing the new ones are finalized to replace the old.

I’ve tried it with 5.580 and with the latest live version.

  1. Memory consumption: 12.64GB with the old version, 10.67GB with the new version
  2. Isolating a part: 7.15 seconds in the old version, 7.7 seconds in the new version.

This doesn’t seem to be a significant performance degradation. Do you experience a bigger difference?


The numbers you cited are not what I’ve been experiencing. In the old version isolating parts would take sub 2 seconds even sub assemblies with multiple parts and other sub assemblies less than 3. New version is well above that time at around 5-10 seconds depending on part complexity. As I also explained it’s not just isolating the part, it’s every action taken within the isolation mode that adds in time as well.

But yes over hundreds of commands a day, thousands per week this can add in significant time to a project that wasn’t there before.

@Xdrakosha had sent you an invite to our chat, I believe you have been added, he has screen capture videos of the difference when all history is removed. ie. exporting as x_t then re-importing (this is only comparison that can be made currently vs pre-update since update cannot revert to old version). This is the most similar to before and after performance-wise that I’m experiencing in real time.

The difference in those videos is not due to the removed history, but due to the reduced number of parts, from 13,000 to 3,700. When he exported the design to X_T, he didn’t export the hidden parts. Your workspace has ~10,000 hidden parts in it. That’s what’s causing the performance degradation. I tested your design with the old version and the new version, and there is not performance difference on any of the test devices that I could access. Regardless you can experience performance problems, even performance degradation, but that’s not related to the parametric modeling functionality. We’ll try investigate it further, and we’ll fix it if we can reproduce it.

I requested access but feel free to ignore if you guys have this covered.

To be honest I’m curious. I’d try it on my M2 iPad (without the upgraded ram) and my Zenbook Pro.

Sounds like it’s a huge file though.

Must have missed it, I’ll hop on and allow it now.