Wrap or Project function without stretching/distortion

The problem that this feature will solve:
This will solve the problem of stretching/distorting that the ‘project’ tool creates.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:

I would expect this feature to allow to wrap your sketch/text around a curved surface with no distortion happening.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

Right now there’s a lot of distortion forming when you use the project function across a cylinder for example.

Hi and welcome !
This is a recurring topic and the question comes up very often.
Personally, I’m very excited about this kind of tool (wrap, unwrap, flow.) because it’s very useful.
I use it in other 3D applications such as Onshape, Rhino, Me, etc…
It is up to the team to answer this kind of question concerning the evolution of Shapr3D and future update.