Wrap an image to a 3d object

Does anyone know how to curve a jpeg (or similar ) to a cylinder shape?
I know in sketchup there is a trick for wrapping images on a cylinder. Is there an option for this in shapr?

Thanks in advance for any tips.


I think this function not yet implemented in Shapr3D. You can just project sketch or text on body, but not wrap on it.

This seems to be the case. Hopefully they will implement this in future updates. Thanks for your reply.

Hi Mich,

Do you mean like this?

Project tool.

Hi Jacob thank you for your reply. I’m formilair with the project tool. But I’m looking for a way to wrap an image around a cilinder. So we got some images in jpeg of different beer logo’s which we want to project on a 3d beer can. We can always do is seperate in photoshop but it would be great to wrap the image directly in shapr3d and do the renders.

Indeed this would be a very handy and welcome feature!

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That’s a feature I would like to see too.

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