4.0.1 - Hotfix: 2D drawings

Hi again!

We whipped up a hotfix for our latest release. Sad to say, a bug managed to slip in: The dimensions of objects measured in architectural units were different in the drawing sheet than in the design space. With the newest 4.0.1 update, they should be in working order.

:information_source: But before you go back to the drawing board, remember that the dimensions in the design space are rounded to 3 decimal places, while dimensions in the drawing sheet are rounded to 2 decimal places. So, that means 3.847 inches in the design space is shown as 3.85 inches in the drawing sheet.


Appreciate the quick fix.

Is there any chance that the decimal position will be out to the 3rd or even 4th position in the near future? I love the new 2D drawings that I’ve hoped and waited so long for, but rounding to the second position doesn’t work at all in my line of production and repair. All parts are +/- .002 that needs to be visible on the print and thrust bearings are lapped to .0002, +0, -.0002
Really need that 3rd decimal place in the worst way.

Thanks for sharing! I’ve forwarded your question to the team, so they can look into this.

Agree - have prints with 2, 3, and four significant digits. Need symmetric and asymmetric tolerances to make this feature valuable.