5.30 - A feast for industrial designers and Wacom users

Hey everyone :balloon:

Gear up with a handful of new features, custom-built for industrial designers. With advanced circular fillet options and surface continuity settings, you can perfect every surface and corner of your product.

This update also makes strides in Wacom pen interaction and ease-of-use for an even smoother experience. We also unleashed a tutorial tailored to our pen tablet users, so you can get familiar with the app even quicker.

While you’re at it, knock yourself out with these other highlights:

  • New: Switch on horizontal or vertical zebra stripes to show the curvature of solids in your design space.
  • New: Put the new Text tool to the test. Type away with your keyboard to convert text into 2D sketches, so you can label your 3D models directly.
  • New: Need any pointers? Try out the new Learn tab, where you can stay up to date with the latest Shapr3D news, and find tutorials, workflow tips, and inspiring user stories. From the Learn tab, the Manual and Shapr3D Forums are always at your fingertips.
  • New: Instead of tapping a design thumbnail twice to open the related design space, just tap once with your finger.
  • Fixed: We tinkered with the backend to improve stability in certain scenarios, such as adding a centermark to a 2D drawing’s circular centerline, or pressing Enter while sketching.
  • Fixed: When you import your 2D drawing in DXF or DWG file format into other 3D modeling software, the units will stay in their specified format.
  • Fixed: Sketch with ease by right-clicking a face twice to jump into sketching mode. And, navigate the design space smoothly without worrying about uneven camera movements.

@danno11 :wink:

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Thanks a lot!

Is navigation with a Wacom pen tablet going to be possible in the future using touch gestures, or is this only going to be a capability of pen screens?

Hey Nathan!

Right now it’s only pen screens. We’d really love to add full touchscreen-like view navigation on Wacom pen tablets. There are serious technical difficulties though(*) and we are working with Wacom engineers on solving them. I can’t promise anything at the moment apart from letting you know if we make any progress and making sure you’ll be amongst the first to test it.

I know we discussed this when we spoke a few weeks ago but I can’t find it in my notes: do you use touch on your Wacom tablet in any apps?

*: If you are interested in technical details: both our Windows and our Mac apps run in a sandbox (UWP and Catalyst, respectively) and to be able to go beyond treating the pen tablet as a touchpad and use custom gestures we’d need raw access to the driver – which we simply don’t have from within the sandbox. There are workarounds available for this, but they’re far from trivial, so it’ll take some time to test them.

Hey Peter,

I do use the tablet for basic navigation in photoshop and other similar 2D apps (pinch to zoom, scroll, rotate, etc.)
I also use it with the Apple gestures for the OS.

In my use case I use a 3Dconnection mouse with Shapr3d on Mac, along with the Intuos tablet, so lack of 3D navigation on the tablet isn’t a drawback for me.

However if someone is only using the tablet, it would be a huge advantage to have the same navigation capability as the iPad or other touch screen devices.

There’s a lot of peripheral expenses in my setup but I already had them for other apps and figured I’d give it a go.

Of course this is only my experience, others may have a different approach.

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