5.30 - A feast for industrial designers

Hey everyone :rocket:

Gear up with a handful of new features, custom-built for industrial designers. With advanced circular fillet options and surface continuity settings, you can perfect every surface and corner of your product.

And, knock yourself out with these other highlights:

  • New: Switch on horizontal or vertical zebra stripes to show the curvature of solids in your design space.

  • New: Put the new Text tool to the test. Type away with your keyboard to convert text into 2D sketches, so you can label your 3D models directly.

  • New: A better, leveled-up SVG export is here. Export your sketches for 2D manufacturing in SVG format with the right DPI and custom resolution for other tools, including Adobe Illustrator and Shaper Origin.

  • Fixed: The app wonā€™t crash anymore when you add a centermark to a 2D drawingā€™s circular centerline.

  • Fixed: If youā€™re a Mac user, after you import an STL file, you can jump right into editing without a hassle.

  • Fixed: When you import your 2D drawing in DXF or DWG file format into other 3D modeling software, the units will stay in their specified format.


Nice to see such progress. Thanks



are any of the new commands going to upgraded in the Shapr3d for Windows any time soon.

Yes! TEXT!! Thank you! :smiley:



These are all going into the Windows release too, expect it later today if all goes well. :slight_smile:

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That sounds great, I really like having the ability to work on both the iPad and the Windows option the versatility is key. do you see being able to sync designs between the iPad and the windows option in the near future I think this would be a big game changer to compete with other cad softwareā€™s.

Thank you

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We are actively working on the sync feature for a while now, no release date yet, but what you asked for is exactly the goal of it, to have all designs accessible no matter which platform are you currently using. :slight_smile:

Finally, a text tool!!!
Thank You so much!!!


This is a great update!

Text has been a feature Iā€™ve been going to fusion 360 for, and Iā€™m thrilled to have one less reason to have to do that. More fillet control and svg improvements are also highly welcome.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!


Love the addition of text


Hit and a miss with the Wacom support for me.

Iā€™m using a wacom intuous and when choosing wacom as the input it wouldnt detect my pen input. Iā€™ve had to choose mouse.

I tried to go and tinker in the settings but I canā€™t get back to the screen where I choose input method. Thats a shame as I also have a cintiq and wanted to test that.

On my wacom mobile studio pro it all works fine.

Ah so keyboard and mouse is really jarring as you cant customise the controls. Iā€™m coming from Moi3d and Blender so iā€™m struggling to adapt and switch between the them.

Will there be an option to customise at least pan and rotate when using a keyboard?

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Wow, Iā€™ve been waiting for text for so long! What a great Christmas gift! Once iCloud syncing comes along thatā€™ll be really superb :sunglasses:


Hey ā€“ thanks for the report. Iā€™m the product manager working on Wacom support, so this feedback is super interesting for me. Sorry for the slow reply ā€“ I was off for the holidays and just saw this.

Two questions:

  • Are you using the Windows or the macOS version? Official Wacom support is Windows-only for the time being (though itā€™s quite usable on the Mac as well)
  • Your initial choice before onboarding only affects the onboarding tutorial. You should be able to switch back & forth between input devices in the app without changing anything.
  • If you are on Windows, make sure the ā€œWindows Inkā€ mode is enabled for Shapr3D. Without that, your input is recognized as a mouse click, which is not what youā€™d want. Hereā€™s our FAQ on other recommended settings.

Weā€™d be happy to hear more about your experience, especially with this wide range of Wacom devices. Would you be open to a 30-60 minute chat with me and our research team about it? (Weā€™d be happy to compensate you for your time.)

Hey there Peter,

Iā€™m more than happy to assist and have a chat.

Iā€™ve been looking for an app that has the ability to modify bevels after committing. So Iā€™ve spent weeks trying to find an app with that and the level of wacom and touch support that Moi3d offers.

Fusion 360 turned out to be a windows and wacom / touch dumpster fire, got Blender working but itā€™s fiddly. Iā€™m only a hobbyist, but Iā€™m considering a paid sub to Shapr3d over free Fusion 360 and Blender literally down to the controls and ease of use.

Iā€™m finding Shapr3d excellent on the studio pro it, works really well. Interestingly Iā€™ve just disabled windows ink and Iā€™m trying it out as if my pen was a mouse.

Touch combined with that is actually quite good as I do have remappable buttons on my device. For example Iā€™m going to try mapping tab so I can make use of the selection options. Also the folders are much easier and responsive to use as I can now use the pen to move items about.

I will go back to my desktop this weekend and give the intuous and my cintiq another try and report back.

I have three wacoms, from when I was a photographer/designer so Iā€™m probably a bit unusual.

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I recently read an announcement regarding textures. However, I can no longer find the announcement.

I remember the image with four tiles each textured with a different material and the caption ā€œTextures - Coming Soonā€.

Could someone please confirm if ā€˜Texturesā€™ are really coming to Shapr3d soon?

Iā€™ve made the switch from SketchUp and already miss the ability to visualise my designs with texture and lighting.

Iā€™ve subscribed to the Standard Annual version and am still within the 14 day trial period and am anxious to know if this feature is actually coming before I commit to paying for the full year.

Thanks in advance.

Please donā€™t hold your breath as protest while waiting for Textures. On the other hand, a hunger strike might be beneficialā€¦ LOL



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I can neither confirm nor deny that holding breath until that time is not a suicidal idea.


Please tell me though that there really was an announcement previously and that I didnā€™t just imagine itā€¦