5.500 - Update project names quickly

This release focused on remaining minor enhancements and bug fixes to give you a smoother design workflow.

Regular release updates

  • Improved (iPadOS and macOS): Manage your project names faster by renaming your projects directly from the modeling space.

  • Fixed (iPadOS): An issue with some complex designs no longer opening on iPads due to higher memory consumption has been resolved.

  • Various bug fixes and improvements.

Beta release updates:

  • New: Create smooth transitions between faces with the new ability to define G1/G2 continuity at the beginning and end of Loft operations.

Let us know what you think in the comments down below. :arrow_down:


Great! Shapr3d just keeps getting better and better!


Thank you-

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Many thanks for these great improvements.

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Curious! Why did version number jump from 5.492 to 5.500?

We use a major version.minor version schema, where the end of the minor version is 0 for the initial release, and bumped whenever we release a patch or fix which is still built on the same release. So after 490 there comes 500, the reason for 491, 492 and 493 is because we patched things.