Any feature ideas?

Ideally moving objects to pre designated locations. Such as:
a focal point, or even along the perimeter of shape A to shape B.

Thanks for your response. I will share your feedback with other members of the team.

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For any further feature ideas should run them through this stream or reply to Big A’s original post? :slightly_smiling_face:

Feature request: I am a frequent user of several graphics apps on the iPad Pro. As a result, I have grown very accustomed to the two-finger-tap undo and three-finger-tap redo. I find myself two/three finger tapping in Shaper3d, only to realize that my habit is unsupported. I would like to see this shortcut added to Shaper3d if possible. I think that using the app in conjunction with other visual creation apps will become that much more seamless with the new common gesture in place. Thank you!

Shapr3D use apple’s native three finger swipe left and right to undo/redo. I do prefer two / there finger tap though as it”s faster and already in my muscle memory from procreate.

I would really appreciate an api… or a note pad for creating todo lists And checking check points once they are complete… it would also be a great way to begin a feature list for any crafting I do. :slightly_smiling_face:


Would be nice to have a way to copy an object, but multiple copies in one go, and specify the distance between them etc.
ie, where I want something like Screw holes in 10 speific places, which for circle based objects is easier with the rotate and copy, but would be nice to say 8 copies, 10 degree difference etc.

and a similar feature for non circulare objects. the ability to say replicate a hole, or replicate an object a number of times over a specified distance etc.

ie, like this object, which took me a while to ensure everything was lined up, it’s a really simple object, but for where I want to do this on something more complex it’s a bit of a mare to get them to line up.


Dimensions from point to point.
Would like to be able to make an object and say from this line to that line be 5 mm and from other side be 5 mm. If object isn’t big enough or too big then it adjusts it to fit into the space.

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I would like to be able to wrap an image to a face, similar to (or using?) the project tool. I recently designed a poster stand and was able to import the poster image and place in a flat version of the stand, but not in the final curved version that we fabricated. See attached Photos from Shapr3D and finished sign.


Point 3 (freehand line drawings) would also be good for 3d printing handwriting on a surface or milling hand drawn images out.

I have been using the 3-finger left/right since it was introduced to me here in the forums. I have come to rely heavily on gestures in other apps, and it is sooo much nicer than trying to hunt down that little back-bent arrow button! The fact that Shapr3D has embraced the iOS experience makes it that much easier to embrace Shaper3d.

Now if only it supported .svg and .obj…

I have never used a forum before and am new to Shapr3D. Can I use Logitech digital pencil instead of a iPencil?

Hi @panWhy239 Welcome to the Forum
A Search of the Forum will reveal several Threads on this subject.
In short only the Apple Pencil is satisfactory for S3D.

Happy S3Ding

Hi, the app at the moment only completely supports the Apple Pencil.

Feature requests: ( apologies if these are duplicates 500+ pages to sort through was too long lol)

  • toggle edges on and off in the viewport not only in the Export > Image Tool. I frequently need to hide edges to properly see the geometry. So I have to constantly go through the export windows to hide the lines

  • UI updates after multiple operations. Select a face, are recommended a command ( extrude ), then once conplete offer more… right now to chamfer I must deselect and then reselect for the ui to update

  • Cheap AO - an option for basic screen space AO would be a nice touch for visualizing models.

  • loop selection!, super super important to me. I do lots of details on meshes and having to select around edge borders to select them for chamfering is so time consuming. If we make the terrible mistake of double tapping towards the end you mess up your entire selection… and undo does not work. You need to unselect each edge one by one and pray you don’t double tap and ruin it again lol.

  • color picking. I like to > select my faces > then open the color tool > then it asks to pick the color >… Pick color of other face > then the tool looses my entire selection and I have to reselect again. :frowning:

  • automatic or line drawing preference saving. I hate using automatic I love just using the regular lines. But it defaults always back to automatic which is annoying when I by mistake drawing a curves instead of the straight line. Can we set the line as default and use automatic when we choose too?.

  • perspective adjustment. The perspective is very isometric currently. For most things this is great, however complex parts or building layouts become almost impossible due to the camera angle. I can’t seem to get in close enough without clipping into faces. I have to break meshes apart and hide parts to see sometimes. Not so great. - UPDATE: I found this setting!

  • wireframe view for selecting faces hidden inside a mesh. Currently you have to have 2 separate assets and hide one. I can’t really orbit inside a model to see. Similar to the issue above.

  • renaming files in the project browser section. I have not found a rename function yet.

  • exporting selected: i have a master scene with details, letters, numbers, logos. I’d like to select specific meshes and export those to a shapr3d file for use in other designs. Currently export takes the entire scene ( regardless of selection), and exports the whole thing out.

  • angle threshold for converting faces to chamfer: imagine selecting a face > selecting chamfer > then specifying only hard edges to select or specify to only select edges with an angle over 30degrees for example. Similar to Maya’s angle smoothing. It would make selecting faster. Very least would reduce the amount of manual selections

  • duplicating multiple times in move/rotate mode: I can duplicate a mesh to create 2, then I want to keep the new asset in my selection and add the previous so I can duplicate and create 4… currently when you duplicate and have the new mesh selected and try to add it to the selection it will override and pick the new one, forcing you to reselect all again.

  • when a chamfer fails: creating An option for the chamfer to pick the last moment before it fails. Currently if you drag and it fails, the mesh will returns to how it was previously, it’s initial state. Sometimes you want to adjust just until the last moment before it fails. That adjustment can take a while.

  • my number 1 request. Loop selection.
    Double tap or tap hold. This would select everything in a loop around. This would be similar to polygonal modeling software double click selects a row/loop

  • mesh cleaning options: aside from delete face, being able to remove a whole section and rebuild it would be super useful. Or remove an edge.

  • fixing chamfer on the edges between a union merge.: I have found if I mirror and union two parts together the seam between will never work properly afterwards if I try and chamfer it.

  • mesh instancing: So create a mesh, duplicate it. But it is connected to the first. You modify just 1 mesh and it updates all of them



Need a way to add text.

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I wish to thank you all for your feed back! Am looking forward to talking to you!

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I am a patent attorney and need to be able to export 2D-images from the 3D-designs as pure b/w line drawings (of the edges) for formal reasons defined by patent offices/patent law in many countries. Just making everything transparent does not help, because then the hidden lines become visible.

So far, I have not found any such option. In particular, it looks like one cannot get rid of the shadows on the object’s surfaces even if you paint everything but the edges in white.

An option for hatching of selected closed surface areas would also be great.

  1. As many times said, I need to add raised text to objects. Please include this with different type faces in a future release.

  2. History is much needed. You can undo a lot of operations but it would be great if you could change an earlier operation, without undoing, or, at least undo until you get to the correct position in history, change what is needed and then redo all the previously undone operations.

  3. Undo could be more “detailed” bringing back the last selection. Making an error while doing multiple selections cannot be undone. You need to redo all selections.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Regarding making an error while making multiple selections, you can undo a selection made in error by simply tapping on the object/sketch again to deselect it.

The history and text features are on our roadmap, actually comes top and we will implement these over time. There is at the moment no ETA and I will share your feedback with the team.

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