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Is it possible to continue this pattern/cut around the curve with the same spacing?
Measure the pattern gap distance, my example is .5mm and .5mm on a circle that is 2.8646 degrees.
My circular pattern spacing is 2.8646 degrees and input as much as pattern you need to get to half circle.
But I would recommend doing the circle pattern at 180degree first and getting the gap distance from that.
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I wanted to add one thing. There are 2 methods and each one will require you adjust your dimensions slightly. The first method above assumes you are not changing the diameter of the circle. You will need to adjust your drawer length slightly.
If you want to adjust the diameter there is another method. Lock all your constraints so they don’t move.
Draw an arc at each end.
You can drag the center point of the Arc to your circle’s original center point.
It shows you that it’s 1.9211 degree which will not evenly divide. Quickly I know that 2 degree will divide evenly.
Adjust your arc to 2 degree.
So this method works if you rather change the diameter of the circle vs the length of the drawer.
I ended up eye balling it roughly to match using circular pattern tool with the pattern starting at a tangent because the real part will be printed flat so the curve was just for visualisation of the completed product so didn’t have to be bang on. Thanks for the reply. I don’t understand the math required for “0.5mm on a circle is x degrees”, can you explain?
This might explain better.
Zoomed in
Zoomed out
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