Display separate object by color automatically

As a beginner with a year into Shapr soon I see that I had a basic misunderstanding. Its the difference between a sketch/face and object/part of an object.
The first is displayed by color change from transparent to solid, the second one is not. You can see the problem in the help section when you are asked if that is a separate object or just an extrusion for example. The recuers can not tell.
The feature request would be to show objects in different colors. Of course you could visualize now but that’s a time consuming feature as you have to change screens and click a lot per object.
A random color would be nice and a color bar to choose from to change quickly.
This would help beginners a lot as some commands don’t work with an extrusion even if they can be chosen lime “move”.

You can change the default color of the bodies by going to visualization, select a body with default material, and use the option to change default color:

Szia Laci, that’s not an option imho. A random color for a new object as option would be much quicker.

We definitely don’t want to populate the modelspace with random colors. In manufacturing, bodies are often grouped by colors, so for professional users, it would be very bad.

While it might not be the best for new users at first, it’s better to get accustomed to the workflows which open the way forward on the longer term.


Sure that’s for you to decide but for now a single body and an extrusion are not distinguished visually. Id like to see the difference but if its only me…

I might misunderstand the problem, but the extrusion is distinguished by edges is you set the boolean option to generate a new body. If you use union with an existing body, there will be no new edge generated.

Could you upload a video to explain the problem exactly?

You helped me there and I wondered what would have prevented me from misunderstanding. Would I have understood the difference between standalone body and extrusion if there was a significant difference without me double clicking the part to distinguish? I think so. For me it would be helpful to see where the bodies are and where its just extrusions. An example would be if you split an object. There are some new lines on the object but nothing else indicates they are two now. One not so shallow step in the otherwise shallow learning curve in Shapr is the difference between object and extrusion. But I guess you can close this, colors is bad because of grouping anyway.

When in doubt, you can always bring the Items list up for help, you will see the new bodies generated there, and also easier to select.

I was thinking about the list also but its nothing that helps you working directly at the object. As Shapr is direct modelling. Its for you guys to decide if I am right and an object has to be visibly differentiated from an extrusion and do something or not. An argument to do something is also there is no way back in Shapr if you leave the workplane, there is no history. So if you forgot to add that plane to work from and you can not separate the extrusion, well then its additional work.
Again, beginner no other 3D experience before, easy to learn, some hickups and places I tripped. This was one of them. Feedback - take it or leave it.

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