Drawings Feature Request

I’d first like to say how impressed I am with this program, it has been a joy to use and is amazingly intuitive. I also know that you all are hard at work on updating the Drawings feature and wanted to submit a request for your consideration in that regard.

I am primarily using this application for small scale architectural projects. I’ve found Shapr3D to be, by far, the best program for schematic design (when compared to SketchUp or Revit), but its weakness currently lies with the documentation of projects. Sections are still not possible (though I understand they are on the way), and annotations are also quite limited.

As you develop these features, I wanted to make the request that additional “drawing planes” be added to the sheets/drawing views. If the same tools available to us in the modeling sketch plane mode (lines, offset, etc.) could be made available to us as we work on sheets, for the purposes of annotation, I believe a full architectural set would not be difficult to make within Shapr3D.

For example, if I could model the total wall thickness of my building (as I have been doing), then go into the Drawing View and offset those model lines on a new drawing plane to show a 5 1/2” stud, 1/2” plywood, etc., I could be well on my way to making a proper drawing that could be priced and sent to a contractor. I think this would help to strike the balance between modeling as much as possible when it comes to the design, without having to model what is unnecessary or excessive (such as layers of a wall/layers of a floor system). Being able to scale the drawings to standard imperial architectural units would also be a great aid (1/4”=1’, 1/8”=1’, etc.).

I hope you are willing to take my suggestion under consideration (if it has not already been thought of on your end). I do believe Shapr3D could find a strong niche in the architectural field, especially among the many single practitioners and small firms that have never made the switch to a program like Revit. Shapr3D seems to meld the best features of hand drawing/sketching/physical modeling with all of the advantages of 3D CAD. It is a program that actually facilitates design, now it just needs the annotation piece. Upon recently sharing the program with a few of the licensed architects I know, they set out to immediately purchase an iPad pro/Apple Pencil set up with the intention of working in Shapr3D!


These are my sentiments exactly. I’m using Shapr3d for ADU design and wish fervently that I could send a sketch to the drawings page. And use architectural scale.