Ellipse shape to segments

Elliptical wooden table leg, 140 cm high, 70 cm wide, and 72 cm high.
I would like to divide this oval shape (140 cm x 70 cm, 4 cm thick) into 20 approximately equal segments. I also want to know at which angles the individual 20 boards need to be cut. Could someone help me figure out the easiest way to draw this and determine the angles at which the boards should be cut? the planks are standing vertical.

hi @huib

Welcome to the forum.

I would do something like this:

  • work on a quarter of the ellipse because of symmetry
  • I wouldn’t do the cut at the summits of the ellipse but symmetrically vs them
  • draw 7 lines from the center that will be the cut lines
  • set symmetry constraint bewteen lines 1 and 2 and lines 6 and 7
  • draw 6 construction lines between the end point of the seven lines
  • set equal constraint to the length of the 6 construction lines
  • you can now measure the angles and cut the panels

[Edit] video added

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Is this a trick geometry question? :joy:

I think the parameters are to create relatively equal width planks with which to make the oval base and to help calculate the angle cuts needed for each plank?

If you are intending to make the ellipse from planks.
You probably want them close to equal widths, and none of the angles to be over 90 degrees. This will allow strapping to be applied and tightened whilst the glue sets. If any angle is over 90 the planks will pop out under compression.
If this is roughly what you had in mind, I will do in more detail.

20 wood pieces divided and combined for a LEG? Mind Blown!