Export fails, just reverts to intro screen

I’m trying to export a simple model to either .3mf or .stl file format. Everything goes to plan, I select the location to save to on my PC but then when I click export it just jumps to the intro screen without saving. Any help would be great. This is a recent problem, the software was working until around 8 weeks ago when I had to go into hospital. I opened the software today and it is failing to export.

Please provide a detailed description of the issue. Provide as much information as possible, including screenshots and/or screen recordings. For screen recording, we recommend using Loom (loom.com), an easy-to-use screen recording tool that works on Windows, iPadOS, and macOS. Loom videos can be easily embedded on the forum simply by pasting their URL. Topics without detailed information will be automatically closed. For subscription, billing, and licensing-related issues please open a support ticket using the link below. Please contribute to the community with meaningful, high-quality posts, and always use a respectful tone.


Can you export the design in the .shapr format? If so, could you share it with us here (if you are OK sharing it publicly) or via the support system?

It’d also be great to have the exact version of your app that you can find in the About section.

By the way, thank you for the quick response!

Panic over. I followed the tried and trusted computer mantra of old - Log out, turn everything off, Turn back on, Log in. It’s working again now. Maybe it was the prolonged hiatus that was to blame.

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